Jaw Filler
Enhance Weak Jaw, Uneven Jawline, Sagging Jaw, Jowls
This is a great treatment for both men & women. Typically men like this treatment to create a wider, stronger and more structured, sculpted, and masculine jaw line - that would emulate super-hero characters with very well-defined jaw bones! And women typically like filler in the jaw to maintain nice feminine angles and also to create a straight jaw line that softens up or eliminates jowls, sagging and uneven jaw line.
Call Refine Cosmetic Clinic to further discuss your aesthetic beauty goals or schedule a complimentary consultation – 647.344.4777
Strategic placements and using a medium-thick filler will create a great looking jaw! The filler will provide instant volume and we can look at it together as I place it and decide how much filler you require in order to achieve the look you desire.
Filler in this area is longer lasting so you can enjoy the results for a long time before you need to touch it up. Longevity approx. 12-15 months.
Let's restore your beautiful angles!