Belkyra® in Yorkville

For Reduction Of Double Chin (Submental Fat)

At Refine Cosmetic Clinic we are delighted to offer ® (also known as Kybella in the US). Belkyra® is the first and only Health Canada Approved injectable for permanent fat reduction under the chin, redefining your jawline and creating a more slender & youthful neck and chin appearance.

What Is Belkyra®?

Belkyra's® active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring acid that your own body produces in the digestive system that breaks down dietary fat. The deoxycholic acid in Belkyra® is a non-animal and non-human, synthetic molecule formulation, which means it's made sterilely in a laboratory. It is indistinguishable from our own deoxycholic acid and therefore is extremely safe.

Call Refine Cosmetic Clinic to further discuss your aesthetic beauty goals or schedule a complimentary consultation647.344.4777

What Is Submental Fullness?

Submental fullness is a common yet undertreated condition that can detract from an otherwise balanced and harmonious facial appearance—leading to an older and heavier look. Submental fullness can affect adults—both women and men—of all ages, weights, and genders. Influenced by multiple factors including aging and genetics, submental fullness is often resistant to diet and exercise. According to a 2015 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 67 percent of consumers are bothered by submental fullness.

How Does Belkyra® Work?

Belkyra® is injected into subcutaneous fat under the chin and disrupts and dissolves the fat cell membranes and the body then processes and removes the fat cells naturally. Once destroyed, the fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat and your results are considered to be permanent.

Women Chin

Tired Of Double Chin?

Learn about non-surgical double chin treatments.

Men Chin

Refine A Double Chin

Discover the treatments for reducing a double chin for good.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate?

  • If you are a male or female adult who has moderate—severe submental fullness
  • If you have good, elastic skin tone
  • If you are a healthy individual

Advantages Of Belkyra®

  • No downtime (only possible bruising/swelling)
  • No anesthesia
  • No incisions
  • No surgery
  • Permanent results

How Is Belkyra® Administered?

Belkyra® should only be administered by a healthcare professional who has completed proper training on Belkyra®.

Belkyra® is administered by multiple injections using an ultra-fine needle that targets the unwanted fat under your chin.

How Many Treatments Do You Need?

2-4 treatments are typically expected & the average being 3-4 treatments and some individuals may need up to 6 sessions to achieve optimal results. The treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Most individuals will start to notice the results working after the second session.

Will Belkyra® Tighten My Loose Neck Skin?

Belkyra® is FDA approved and its treatment indication is to reduce adipose tissue/fat under your chin. Belkyra® is not a skin tightening treatment and does not specifically tighten your skin. If you also suffer from excess saggy neck skin, you may also require a completely different treatment to address this issue depending on its severity. Most patients do find however, their skin also tightens after the procedure but we cannot guarantee this for everyone.

What To Expect During Your Treatment?

Once your consult has been completed and it has been determined that you're a good candidate for Belkyra®, photos will be taken, that their skin is thoroughly cleansed and specific markings are made and a grid are to be placed on your skin that will determine where the injections are to be place. Multiple injections are made using an ultra-fine needle. The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. You can then continue with your daily activities.


There is very little - no downtime after your treatment however, you should expect to have a noticeable amount of swelling from the medication and possibly bruising from the injection process. Most individuals will plan their treatments when they don't have any social events or at the end of the work week. Swelling and bruising will be most noticeable for the first 3-10 days however, swelling can last up to a month or so and varies among individuals.

Risks & Side Effects

As with all injections there are some potential risks. Swelling is the most common side effect that patients will experience. This will occur after the injection and can last approximately 3-10 days but may last up to a month. Other side effects are bruising, some discomfort/soreness, itchiness, redness, burning sensation, tingling, and skin tightness. And in extremely rare cases temporary nerve injury, nausea, difficult swallowing or headaches are a rare possibility. These side effects can vary among individuals and in severity.

How Much Does Belkyra® Cost?

Treatment prices are based on how much submental fat you have. This ranges from mild–moderate–to severe. Each individual is different and the price will depend on the total number of treatment sessions you will need & how much Belkyra® per each injection that is used. A more accurate quote will be given during consultation and assessment.

How To Prepare For Your Belkyra® Treatment?

If you are preparing for your Belkyra® injections, we suggest limiting your alcohol intake and to stop taking anti-inflammatory medications or herbal vitamins 7-10 days prior. This is not mandatory and will not have an effect on treatment results/outcome however, it will help decrease swelling and bruising and help for a smoother recovery.

Call Refine Cosmetic Clinic to further discuss your aesthetic beauty goals or schedule a complimentary consultation647.344.4777

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